Connecting Gee and Cuddy

  1. James Gee has two theorems that he talks about during his writing.  One theorem was discourses are different than languages in one very different regard.  Someone can speak english, but not fluently, and still somewhat speak it, while no one can be in a discourse without being fluent in it.  The second theorem is that primary discourses, no matter whose they are, can never really be liberating literacies.  These are controversial because Gee is basically saying that language is different than discourse, and that you must be 100% fluent to be in a discourse.
  2. Cuddy offers tools that Gee might recommend in a few instances.  The one that most gives off a vibe from both is the fake it until you become it montra.  Cuddy and Gee are firm believers that not only is language important but so is body language.  This causes many of their views to overlap.