Revision plan assignment

  1. We have been study the works of James Gee for a while.  I am very familiar and able to explain his idea on Discourse because we have gone over it so much.  In my intro paragraph, I need to better explain the paper before jumping right into Gee, but I can use Gee to strengthen my argument.
  2. I think that the quotation sandwiches that I’ve been making have been pretty strong.  I’ve been trying to support my points with a lot of textual evidence in order to make my paper stronger.
  3. My conclusion paragraph is definitely my weakest paragraph, so the most important thing for me to do is strengthen that paragraph.
  4. I believe that my analysis of science Discourse tells us that there is a lot of unique language regarding science.  There is gargon that makes science Discourse somewhat harder to learn than other discourses.