Revised paragraph assignment


When studying James Gee’s Building Tasks, you see how much his study on Discourse impacts his writing as a whole.  In the readings that we have had in class, the Discourse of science is considered to be the most important. We especially saw this in Haas’s article, because she was studying a biology student.  The article by Nair and Nair also had a lot to do with science discourse, but it was more focused on a different area of natural science as Haas. When looking in a paper for building tasks, the best way to find them is to follow the IMRaD cheat sheet, which showed in a lot of ways exactly how to find and define one of the seven building tasks.  I believe that the IMRaD paper format is quite important when studying a literary work that uses the discourse of social and natural sciences.


In class the last few weeks, we have been studying the works of James Gee.  James Gee is a scholar who studies Discourse, and we have been working on understanding the different nuances in language.  When we studied his “Building Tasks,” we saw that there were different areas of Discourse that we could look at to strengthen our writing.  The works that we have been working with the most have been about the Discourse of science.  In “Nair and Nair, Haas, and the IMRaD cheat sheet.  When analyzing the three readings, it is clear that there is some amount of importance ingrained in science Discourse.  The seven building tasks can help to study and understand Discourse.  Overall, I believe that the IMRaD paper format is quite important when studying a literary work that uses the discourse of social and natural sciences.

